Meditations with Matilda

Hi! I’m Matilda. Cyndy and I want to welcome you to Reinvention in Progress.

I adopted Cyndy when I was but a tiny puppy and I’ve been her writing partner and life coach ever since. It’s been great watching her grow (with my advice of course) into the reinvented woman she is today. It’s interesting to me that people seem to need this reinvention thing. We in the Canine Community (CC) don’t trouble ourselves with such thoughts , but I guess we can’t all be so lucky. I’ll be checking in with you from time to time, just to share my observations and let you in on some of the CC secrets for staying healthy and happy. Until then, don’t forget to tell everyone you know hello from me, and remember that a daily woof and an occasional fetch session are all you need to feel like a new pup…er…person every day. Later.