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Reinvention in Progress (RIP)


Reinvention in Progress (RIP) is proud to announce our latest foray into leading the way toward reimagining the future and helping women to reinvent themselves for today. The RIP process is outlined in Cyndy’s new book, Woman Reinvented: Reweaving the Fabric of Your Life After Divorce. Those of us who have suffered the loss of a divorce or loss in any form know that to successfully move beyond such experiences, we are required to examine where we’ve been, where we are now and where we want to be in the future.

The RIP process is about healing, moving past pain and becoming more than we ever thought we could be. RIP can help you do more than just repair the damage done. The eight-step RIP process will allow you to go through the experience, learn to open yourself to new possibilities and reinvent the person you are.

If you are struggling through the pain and confusion of loss of any kind, you are invited to explore the website, read Cyndy’s book and develop new skills to navigate change. Your reinvented future awaits and we are here to help you find it.