Blogs By Chapter Theme


Before You Begin. . .

It’s been said that given enough time, we humans can adjust to anything. I think this is true, even if the state to which we are adjusting is just plain bad for us. When we’re sinking into complacency, watching things slide downhill from bad to worse, we can go for days, weeks, even years and not realize how low or how fast we are descending.

But even as we slog, or walk or rush through the tasks before us each day, if we are on a downward trajectory, we will eventually hit bottom. There will be nowhere else to go but up. Sometimes we can stop ourselves before we bottom out. We wake up and decide to get off the downward elevator before it hits the concrete floor of the basement. Other times, we are so unaware of what is happening to us that we unceremoniously crash into the bottom of our own personal pit of despair, and are stunned by the massive thud we hear when we hit the floor.

The good news is that whether or not we go all the way to the basement, the end of our decline is always the beginning of our ascent. One step at a time, we can choose to climb out of the hole we’ve dug until we are standing in the sunlight once again. Where gray ends, color begins.

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